本校大學社會責任(University Social Responsibility, USR)計畫團隊受教育部所託,辦理113年大學社會責任SIG議題交流(Special Interest Group)系列活動



敬邀未來將執行社會參與課程、USR Hub計畫、USR計畫及對此議題感興趣之教職同仁踴躍報名參加!


Dear Yuan Ze University Professor and colleagues,

Our University Social Responsibility (USR) project team, entrusted by the Ministry of Education, is organizing the 2024 University Social Responsibility Special Interest Group (USR SIG) series of events.

This time, our focus is on " Interdisciplinary Innovation," and we have arranged for external USR project teams to deliver specialized lectures and present their unique project outcomes. The focus is on how interdisciplinary and innovative approaches in education can integrate expertise from various fields, more effectively enhance the quality of education in our country, address complex problems, promote innovative thinking, and boost students' competitiveness.

This event will be credited with 4 hours of professional development for faculty and staff.

We cordially invite all colleagues who will be involved in social engagement courses, USR Hub projects, USR initiatives, and those who have an interest in this topic to actively sign up and participate.


【校內教職員生報名連結Registration Link:https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=12671


桃園市中壢區遠東路 135 號六館14樓 61401R
Tel:(03)463-8800 #2034、2038 | E-mail:csdusr@saturn.yzu.edu.tw